Friday, April 8, 2011

demons are awesome!!

ok so if u guys have ever had ghosts,demons,or a poltergeist in your house u know its awfully scary.cus one day i was in my cousins house and we were bored so i saw he had an Ouija board and i said could we use it and he said ok so we did.and it was a bad night there was a poltergeist everywhere in his house.and i was scared.i stayed in his house because he wanted me to stay.i could have video taped it but i was to scared.ive read in books that the causes for those things r demons.and the causes for demons r ouija boards.but my stoopid ol self  wanted to see if it was a door from hell to now i know that those boards are evil but demons r awesome.i also found this video on youtube on ghosts and demons.and it has this video on a poltergeist and its real .it resembles mostly on wat happeaned at my cousins enjoy.PS the videos u r about to see r not fake.

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