Saturday, April 2, 2011

the 2012 apocalypse is bulls**t

i  do and dont  believe  that we will die in December 21 2012.because like if youve seen the movie it has good computer art but its fake.also the mayan calendar dosent mean anything its just a rock with carved things in it.there was also this guy called nostra dumbass.just kidding Nostradamus and he predicted hitler and 9/11 before they happeaned.he also predicted 2012 so it might happen. i think the mayans .wait nm i dont wanna talk so ill just show u what i mean.

                                 mayan king-what on earth r u doing

                                 calendar maker-i am making the rock thing u told me to do

                                 mayan king-no we dont have time for that

                                 calendar maker -but im not finished im barely on december 21 2012

                                 mayan king-so,we have to go honor the gods

                                 calendar maker-ummmmm ok

and i do believe in it cuz the scientist r right about an earthquake happening then a giant wave happening then the countrys im not really sure which one to believe.but we never know until it does happen so one more year till we die or live idk.

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