Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the antichrist sucks

in my opinion i think the antichrist sucks.if u dont know who he is he is the so called beast in the bible.why,because he wants to rule the whole world,what crazy person wants to do that.hitler almost made it but he died and went to hell.ok now ill give u guys the story.

first it starts with good ppl who believe in god going to heaven.they just disappear like nothing happeaned.this is called i think the rapture.plz dont get confused with rapeture.and while the rapture is happening the worst period in history happens.and this will be the time for the antichrist to come and look like a savior,but he is actually a betrayer.o yea.he looks like this,he came out of the sea and has 7 heads with 10 horns with 10 crowns on the horns.and on the heads a title that offends god.there is also the antichrists "friend"his name is the false prophet.he came out of the earth and had 2 horns that looked like a lambs or something.ok now back on topic,it says on 13:7 that he was given authority over evry tribe,ppl,language,and nation because he was the wannabe savior.he later gave ppl the mark on their right hand or forhead.which is 666 DAN DAN im skipping to a really bad part.he will tell the jews in Jerusalem to rebuild their temple.and since there will be 7 years of trouble, in 3 years he will get in the new temple and declare himself god and demand worship.since he is nice and now has controll over evrything he will just rule the world with an iron fist.and if u dont worship him he will want u put to its a good thing to belive in god and go to since i want to finish already the antichrist the false prophet and their followers will go to magedo and fight against jesus.there both of them (and by both of them i mean the false prophet and the beast)will lose and burn.literally.they will fall into a lake of fire with their fallowers.while satan screams in defeat.then evryone lives happily ever after.

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