Monday, May 23, 2011

The hunger games book review

it is a novel by Suzanne is about katniss everdeen,a 16 year old girl,who gets picked out to go to the hunger games.a fight in an arena.well she didnt really get picked but her little sister did.and she was just trying to protect her,so she took her the book says blah blah blah.and then we get to the good stuff,the arena.she has to go to the arena to fight to the death,literally.and at the end she and her friend win the game and go home.but the adventure isnt over yet,there are 2 more books to the trilogy.i actually didnt want to read it because it looks long.but then i read it and i couldn't put it has so much suspense i couldnt put it down.o and if u wanna know what the blah blah stuff what you have to read the book and find i am sort of done with the i will see u in my next later friends.

Non-Rapture Quote of the Day

"It has been a really tough weekend."
Prophet Harold Camping, on Saturday's non-arrival of the Rapture.

Play pandemic 2

ok so i have been playing a game online called pandemic is pretty cool and u have to be pretty patient to play because u have to grow evolution points to buy fever or kidney failure or other stuff.but u can put some music on and yea it is pretty awesome.its about that u r a decease and u have to devoid the planet of humans.i am just posting this so u guys can play the game so u can say its awesome if u wanna know where to play it here it is
so yea if u dont know how to play press the tutorial button.or just watch the umm i got to play now so umm bye peeps

Thursday, May 19, 2011

epic rap battles of history

ok so maybe or maybe not,u guys have seen these videos on youtube.they make fun of famous people in rap battles.they say a little bit of bad words but they r umm enjoy

1 movie or cartoon villain every thursday post

the woodland critters-south park

Sunday, May 15, 2011

my historical day is finished

since i did my 1st communion yesterday may14 2011.i got my first holy cookie today.well not my first but on a sunday.i got one yesterday but it was not a sunday.i got a few stuff from the catechists and took some pictures.after that we went to golden corral since i didnt want to do a yea yesterday was a pretty cool day.o yea i also got a watch from burlington as a gift,since my uncles didnt give me yea it was great,so later.

Friday, May 13, 2011


ok first let me say srry for not doing the villain post,i was gonna do it yesterday like every thursday but blogger was,on wednsday may 11 2011 i was talkin with cousins from mexico.i havnt seen them since i was like 4 or 3,and now im 13.we were using my dads windows live messanger,and using the camera so we can see each was fun.we talked from like 9:30 to 11:00 at it was good.and umm i got notting else to say so later

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Congratulations to the first 10 finishers of Red Dragon Island!

Several Poptropica Members have already become ninja masters and saved the day on the newest Poptropica Island, Red Dragon Island! These brave souls were even swifter and more ninja-y than the rest. Here are your first 10 players to finish Red Dragon Island.

1. Cool Monster

2. Jumpy Skull

3. Creepy Bubbles

4. Grey Icicle

5. Crazy Eagle

6. Busy Dragon

7. Clean Glove

8. Slippery Lizard

9. Dizzy Hippo

10. Curious Popper

Find out how to become a Member so you can play Red Dragon Island today!


ok so if u guys dont know i have a 7 year old sister.and for her entertainment we play with a plush monkey.well its not really a monkey but a stuffed gorilla.but me and my sister call him monkey.yes hes a he.i talk like if hes real.i make him talk in a weird gay kinda voice.but he fictionally likes a unicorn pillow pet.he is 8 years old,and in the second grade.he has a best friend called mouse.he is Mickey mouse in a peace shirt.i got mouse in walmart in a mechanical machine.and monkey(the plush gorilla)in Austin in a garage sale.monkey usually fights mouse but they become friends again anyway.he usually gets in trouble a lot and we have to scream at him,like MONKEY!!!!!!.but we still have fun,so yea by.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Today was a historical day

today was a historical day,well for me.if u guys read my older post called my first communion,u know i will be doing my first communion soon.and today may 7th 2011,i did my 1st confession with a priest.i had woken up at 7:00 and then we left to church.and trust me there were a lot of kids there.and since im in the 7th grade we were the oldest if we r the oldest guess wat.we went last.we were there a long time.but then it was worth it.i told a priest called john Myers,and did a prayer and i got a certificate and a made in china wooden rosary,but its cool thats my story on today,bye

Thursday, May 5, 2011

we didnt start the fire

ok so if u guys have seen videos on youtube or something on we didnt start the fire.its a video or videos on a song by billy joel on history.but its kinda i will show u a video from youtube on it

1 movie or cartoon villain every thursday post

james' coven-twilight

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why you should vote for me, Director D.

"Hello, Poptropicans. It has come to my attention that I am currently lagging in the polls behind Medusa.


Elections such as these are about issues, and no issue is more important than a candidate's appearance. I ask you to consider my perfectly coiffed salt-and-pepper hair, and then look at the hideous mess of wriggling snakes that Medusa calls a hairdo. Or, rather, don'tlook at it, because you will immediately turn to stone. That's the kind of villain she is. I, on the other hand, only want what's best for you: a sleek, aerodynamic cranial appearance.

I mean, honestly, Medusa? She's not even the main villain on Mythology Island. Zeus is! Medusa is a miniboss at best. I don't even think she's qualified to participate in this election. Until we see her longform boss certificate, we should consider her an illegitimate candidate."

You have one day left to vote in this round. Vote Director D. for best Poptropica villain!

Osama bin Laden is Dead

Osama bin Laden is dead.  

Bin Laden was killed by a force of U.S. Navy SEALS on Monday morning (Sunday night, U.S. time) in a compound in the town of Abbottabad, Pakistan -- roughly 40 miles north of the capital city of Islamabad.  President Barack Obama made the announcement at the White House:

"Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children."
The FBI has marked Osama bin Laden DECEASED on its list of most-wanted terrorists.

The BBC's Death of Bin Laden is a good place to start reading.  Or see the Osama bin Laden biography in

Saturday, April 30, 2011

poptropica villains info

and im done

My first communion

since im a catholic,i have been going to Saturday church school so i can do my first there i met some good kids.we r all 7th graders but we go to different schools.and i have been going since september 19 2009.and this was my second year.and this year on may 14 2011 i will do it.and today i did a test on wat ive learned and the test was pretty easy.and also cus i was copying a girl named hilary chavez.but anyway,the catechist is gonnna call home to see if we passed.and i have confidence.her name was yea on may 14 my aunt who will be there when i do it and get my holy cookie,lol.its not really called that but i dont know the name of yea i got my first holy cookie on april 9 2011,while on a class where they show us everything.but i will get my real one on i think on may 15 on a yea im pretty happy,so ummm by

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Pope's Last Words

According to BBC News, the Vatican has reported that the last words of Pope John Paul II were:  "Let me go to the house of the Father."

The revelation is part of a chronicle of the last months of the pope's life. The chronicle begins with an entry from 31 January 2005.

His final words were uttered on the evening of the day he died, 2 April 2005.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Animals lyrics

if u guys have heard the song animals by nickelback,i think u guys would agree that its is a very dirty song but cool.and now since im in a hurry i will just put a video on the lyrics instead of writing it ummmm enjoy

The Day John Wilkes Booth Was Killed

On this day in 1865 the man who murdered President Abraham Lincoln was cornered by the Union Cavalry and shot to death.
John Wilkes Booth had eluded the long arm of the law for 12 days, but on April 26th he was found in a barn (shed) on the Garrett Farm in Virginia.
The historical marke near the site reads: "On this road two miles south is the Garrett Place. There John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's assassin, was found by Union Cavalry and killed while resisting arrest April 26, 1865."
They tried to run him out with a fire, and in the confusion Booth was shot by Sgt. Thomas "Boston" Corbett. The illustration from Harper's Weekly (thanks toThe Civil War) makes Corbett look pretty thuggish:

Booth died shortly after being shot, and that was that. Just like when Jack Ruby shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald after John F. Kennedy was killed. Everyone's left to wonder just what the hell went on.
The wonderful site Eyewitness To History has an account of the death of John Wilkes Booth, for those who want more details.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Every Last Photo Ever Taken Of Good Old Abe Lincoln

Every known photo of Abraham Lincoln from 1846 until his death in 1865. He was about 37 years old in that first shot, 56 when he died.  

My faves are at 0:07, 1:20, and 6:11. Especially the wild hair at 0:07 -- a real frontier boy, there.  I like it far better than, say, the combover at 0:19. How did a guy with those looks ever get to be president?  We were more broad-minded in those days.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to be Indiana Jones

When I was 11 years old, I really wanted a gray felt that my grandfather owned.I never got the hat, and I’m still mad about it. Dammit.
I’ve always loved brim hats. There’s something that feels manly about them. It must be the gender-mirror image of how a high-heel, makeup or a sugar daddy might make lady feel more feminine. I think to myself, if I wear this hat, I can be like:

Except with a new age, urban Boho, funky philosophy. All added up, that might look like:(hopefully)
And although I love hats, and plan on fully reinstating their place in my life this spring, summer and fall, I also don’t know as much as I should. Which probably means that many of you know less. Here’s a quick run through of the more popular styles that will keep you from sounding silly at that trendy new underground, Depression era-themed speakeasy bar (I’m also including a character analysis of each hat, just because).

//you’re Justin Timberlake

//you’re Indiana Jones

pork pie.
//you’re a Brooklyn blogger/photographer/serial freelancer

//you’re André 3000

Saturday, April 23, 2011


ok so many of u guys already know i have another blog called history geek.and umm heres the link

and so umm i look up info on famous ppl.and a way to do that is by biography websites,or the most best who2.its a website where u can look up famous ppl.thats where i get the info from. heres another link to it

so yea.if ur a big fat nerd like me(of course im not really fat)and want to know about famous ppl,go there guys

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Art of the Ignore

Ignoring people – sometimes it’s rude, but other times it’s a good idea. Let’s say a friend wants to talk endlessly about details of her life that you find boring, unpleasant, overly personal, or just plain ridiculous. It would be rude to just ignore her because she is, after all, a friend, right? On the other hand, if you grew up with siblings, your mom probably told you repeatedly to just ignore your brother or sister’s attempts to annoy or harass you, as in:

“Mooommmm, he’s looking at me.” (said in the whiniest voice ever)

“Just ignore him.” (said with exasperation and an unspoken yet distinct threat of negative consequences if you choose not to ignore the culprit)

I’ve discovered a new “ignore” category that I’m enjoying immensely. Are you on LinkedIn, the quasi-professional version of Facebook? On LinkedIn, when someone asks you to connect, you can choose to “Accept” the invitation or “Ignore” the invitation. As I understand it, the inviter is notified if you Accept, but simply gets no response at all if you Ignore. It might be appropriate to Ignore complete strangers, people you know who creep you out, or potential stalker types. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to Ignore someone.

You know, if I had had an Ignore Button when I was about 4 or 5 years old, it would have saved my mother all kinds of humiliation. Why? Because I was a shy little kid, but pretty cute. Adults seemed to think that my cuteness gave them permission to invade my personal space to pinch my cheek or pat my head or other seemingly innocuous gestures that I DID NOT LIKE. My response was to look such an intruder straight in the eye, point my finger and make a giant air “X” in front of the offender’s face while chanting, “I-Cross-You-Out.”

An Ignore Button would have been a much more gracious solution, but it’s not my fault that there are alot of annoying ppl in the world i have to ignore. If by chance you are one of the people I crossed out years ago, I apologize for being rude, but really, you had it coming. And Mom, I know it must have been humiliating, but it gave you a great story to tell over and over and over again for decades, right?(mom,"WRONG")


1 movie or cartoon villain every thursday post

rumpelstiltskin-shrek 4

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

checkout my other blog

ok so since my favorite subject at school is history i made a new blog on famous ppl heres the link go to it and enjoy it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

top 3 ghost rider villains

ok so ghost rider is an awesome hero.why.because he has a chain,a flaming chopper,and sends ppl to hell.but if hes a hero he has to have now im going to show u a top 3 list of the ghost rider villains in my opinion.not from my favorites


Thursday, April 14, 2011

the amazing ZANY HAWK

ok so if u guys wanna see my poptropican plz go to this link.go to it

my poptropican

Congratulations to the first 10 finishers of Wimpy Wonderland!

Wimpy Wonderland has been available to Poptropica Members for only a day, and already hundreds of players have completed the adventure. Here are the first 10 people to finish Wimpy Wonderland.

1. Lone Dragon

2. Greedy Runner

3. Quick Skull

4. Strange Octopus

5. Popular Crush

6. Wild Ghost

7. Bashful Moon

8. Mad Leaf

9. Big Spinner

10. Messy Eel

"We can't wait to see many more of you earn the Wimpy Wonderland medallion in the days and weeks ahead."said the ppl of poptropica.i wish mine was on here mine is called zany hawk

1 movie or cartoon villain every thursday post

satan-the passion of the christ

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the antichrist sucks

in my opinion i think the antichrist sucks.if u dont know who he is he is the so called beast in the bible.why,because he wants to rule the whole world,what crazy person wants to do that.hitler almost made it but he died and went to hell.ok now ill give u guys the story.

first it starts with good ppl who believe in god going to heaven.they just disappear like nothing happeaned.this is called i think the rapture.plz dont get confused with rapeture.and while the rapture is happening the worst period in history happens.and this will be the time for the antichrist to come and look like a savior,but he is actually a betrayer.o yea.he looks like this,he came out of the sea and has 7 heads with 10 horns with 10 crowns on the horns.and on the heads a title that offends god.there is also the antichrists "friend"his name is the false prophet.he came out of the earth and had 2 horns that looked like a lambs or something.ok now back on topic,it says on 13:7 that he was given authority over evry tribe,ppl,language,and nation because he was the wannabe savior.he later gave ppl the mark on their right hand or forhead.which is 666 DAN DAN im skipping to a really bad part.he will tell the jews in Jerusalem to rebuild their temple.and since there will be 7 years of trouble, in 3 years he will get in the new temple and declare himself god and demand worship.since he is nice and now has controll over evrything he will just rule the world with an iron fist.and if u dont worship him he will want u put to its a good thing to belive in god and go to since i want to finish already the antichrist the false prophet and their followers will go to magedo and fight against jesus.there both of them (and by both of them i mean the false prophet and the beast)will lose and burn.literally.they will fall into a lake of fire with their fallowers.while satan screams in defeat.then evryone lives happily ever after.

call of duty is hard for me POO:(

if u guys had ever played the call of duty games u know it takes alot of skills.but for me i dont need skills.i got nothing.i ,believe it or not, am not that good in the call of duty games.i play them because they are fun and look like if your in a real war.i also play it because i enjoy the gore and violence in the game.but whenever i play it i dont know y but i always die.i die when im one person from killing,i die killing zombies,i even die when the level barely let me give u an example.

 beginning of  level 12-i start moving,i turn the corner DIE.i dont even have time to shoot.

so yea im not that good in the games,but i like them.even if i get laughed at for dieing in the first second of a level i dont mind because i know im going to get better.hopefully

who the heck is Ben Heck

This is Ben heck,The greatest inventor that I wish was my relative.His greatest creation is the Xbox 360 Laptop.
Another invention that you may not give a damn.The portable Atari.
I don’t have an image.
You can watch the Ben Heck show.I Think it’s an internet show so you have to google  it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Plants vs Zombies Top 5 (My Opinion)

Think About All The Zombie Games You Ever Played.Resident Evil,Deadrising,Left4Dead,etc.You Might Think Plants vs Zombies is A kids Game.Take A look At These 5 Zombies Im Going To Show You.It May Not Be Bloody or scary,but good.
1.Dancing ZombieHis Ability:Until He Dies, He Will Be Surounded By His Backup Dancers,it Is Like His Shield.
2.His Ability:He Brings A Mob Of Zombies.
3.ZomboniHis Ability:He Will Ran any Thing Over That  gets In His Way,Exepet Zombies,Squash,jalapenos,potato mines,and spikes.
4.His ability:He Will Steal any Plant.Exepet Potato Mine And Squash.
5.Jack-in-the-box ZombieHis Ability:When Hes Done Winding The Jack-in-the-box He will Explode.which is funny because can u imagine this.
(jack in the box music)pop goes the weasel BOOM KABOOM BOOM ,DIE