Wednesday, May 11, 2011


ok so if u guys dont know i have a 7 year old sister.and for her entertainment we play with a plush monkey.well its not really a monkey but a stuffed gorilla.but me and my sister call him monkey.yes hes a he.i talk like if hes real.i make him talk in a weird gay kinda voice.but he fictionally likes a unicorn pillow pet.he is 8 years old,and in the second grade.he has a best friend called mouse.he is Mickey mouse in a peace shirt.i got mouse in walmart in a mechanical machine.and monkey(the plush gorilla)in Austin in a garage sale.monkey usually fights mouse but they become friends again anyway.he usually gets in trouble a lot and we have to scream at him,like MONKEY!!!!!!.but we still have fun,so yea by.

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