Monday, May 23, 2011

The hunger games book review

it is a novel by Suzanne is about katniss everdeen,a 16 year old girl,who gets picked out to go to the hunger games.a fight in an arena.well she didnt really get picked but her little sister did.and she was just trying to protect her,so she took her the book says blah blah blah.and then we get to the good stuff,the arena.she has to go to the arena to fight to the death,literally.and at the end she and her friend win the game and go home.but the adventure isnt over yet,there are 2 more books to the trilogy.i actually didnt want to read it because it looks long.but then i read it and i couldn't put it has so much suspense i couldnt put it down.o and if u wanna know what the blah blah stuff what you have to read the book and find i am sort of done with the i will see u in my next later friends.

Non-Rapture Quote of the Day

"It has been a really tough weekend."
Prophet Harold Camping, on Saturday's non-arrival of the Rapture.

Play pandemic 2

ok so i have been playing a game online called pandemic is pretty cool and u have to be pretty patient to play because u have to grow evolution points to buy fever or kidney failure or other stuff.but u can put some music on and yea it is pretty awesome.its about that u r a decease and u have to devoid the planet of humans.i am just posting this so u guys can play the game so u can say its awesome if u wanna know where to play it here it is
so yea if u dont know how to play press the tutorial button.or just watch the umm i got to play now so umm bye peeps

Thursday, May 19, 2011

epic rap battles of history

ok so maybe or maybe not,u guys have seen these videos on youtube.they make fun of famous people in rap battles.they say a little bit of bad words but they r umm enjoy

1 movie or cartoon villain every thursday post

the woodland critters-south park

Sunday, May 15, 2011

my historical day is finished

since i did my 1st communion yesterday may14 2011.i got my first holy cookie today.well not my first but on a sunday.i got one yesterday but it was not a sunday.i got a few stuff from the catechists and took some pictures.after that we went to golden corral since i didnt want to do a yea yesterday was a pretty cool day.o yea i also got a watch from burlington as a gift,since my uncles didnt give me yea it was great,so later.

Friday, May 13, 2011


ok first let me say srry for not doing the villain post,i was gonna do it yesterday like every thursday but blogger was,on wednsday may 11 2011 i was talkin with cousins from mexico.i havnt seen them since i was like 4 or 3,and now im 13.we were using my dads windows live messanger,and using the camera so we can see each was fun.we talked from like 9:30 to 11:00 at it was good.and umm i got notting else to say so later

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Congratulations to the first 10 finishers of Red Dragon Island!

Several Poptropica Members have already become ninja masters and saved the day on the newest Poptropica Island, Red Dragon Island! These brave souls were even swifter and more ninja-y than the rest. Here are your first 10 players to finish Red Dragon Island.

1. Cool Monster

2. Jumpy Skull

3. Creepy Bubbles

4. Grey Icicle

5. Crazy Eagle

6. Busy Dragon

7. Clean Glove

8. Slippery Lizard

9. Dizzy Hippo

10. Curious Popper

Find out how to become a Member so you can play Red Dragon Island today!


ok so if u guys dont know i have a 7 year old sister.and for her entertainment we play with a plush monkey.well its not really a monkey but a stuffed gorilla.but me and my sister call him monkey.yes hes a he.i talk like if hes real.i make him talk in a weird gay kinda voice.but he fictionally likes a unicorn pillow pet.he is 8 years old,and in the second grade.he has a best friend called mouse.he is Mickey mouse in a peace shirt.i got mouse in walmart in a mechanical machine.and monkey(the plush gorilla)in Austin in a garage sale.monkey usually fights mouse but they become friends again anyway.he usually gets in trouble a lot and we have to scream at him,like MONKEY!!!!!!.but we still have fun,so yea by.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Today was a historical day

today was a historical day,well for me.if u guys read my older post called my first communion,u know i will be doing my first communion soon.and today may 7th 2011,i did my 1st confession with a priest.i had woken up at 7:00 and then we left to church.and trust me there were a lot of kids there.and since im in the 7th grade we were the oldest if we r the oldest guess wat.we went last.we were there a long time.but then it was worth it.i told a priest called john Myers,and did a prayer and i got a certificate and a made in china wooden rosary,but its cool thats my story on today,bye

Thursday, May 5, 2011

we didnt start the fire

ok so if u guys have seen videos on youtube or something on we didnt start the fire.its a video or videos on a song by billy joel on history.but its kinda i will show u a video from youtube on it

1 movie or cartoon villain every thursday post

james' coven-twilight

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why you should vote for me, Director D.

"Hello, Poptropicans. It has come to my attention that I am currently lagging in the polls behind Medusa.


Elections such as these are about issues, and no issue is more important than a candidate's appearance. I ask you to consider my perfectly coiffed salt-and-pepper hair, and then look at the hideous mess of wriggling snakes that Medusa calls a hairdo. Or, rather, don'tlook at it, because you will immediately turn to stone. That's the kind of villain she is. I, on the other hand, only want what's best for you: a sleek, aerodynamic cranial appearance.

I mean, honestly, Medusa? She's not even the main villain on Mythology Island. Zeus is! Medusa is a miniboss at best. I don't even think she's qualified to participate in this election. Until we see her longform boss certificate, we should consider her an illegitimate candidate."

You have one day left to vote in this round. Vote Director D. for best Poptropica villain!

Osama bin Laden is Dead

Osama bin Laden is dead.  

Bin Laden was killed by a force of U.S. Navy SEALS on Monday morning (Sunday night, U.S. time) in a compound in the town of Abbottabad, Pakistan -- roughly 40 miles north of the capital city of Islamabad.  President Barack Obama made the announcement at the White House:

"Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children."
The FBI has marked Osama bin Laden DECEASED on its list of most-wanted terrorists.

The BBC's Death of Bin Laden is a good place to start reading.  Or see the Osama bin Laden biography in